Shuttle service for Rico seniors approved by Trustees, Montezuma County reviewing costs of providing the service

- Intergovernmental Agreement between Town of Rico and Montezuma County gets green light at May 17, 2023 Rico Board of Trustees meeting
- Montezuma Board of County Commissioners considers the plan May 23, instructs transportation department re-calculate expenses
van image credit
Nola Svoboda
in this report
1) Seniors shuttle service to Cortez planned
2) Subdivisions & PUDs temporary moratorium extension first reading approved
3) Lease and lease-back of proposed new shop to finance new construction approved
4) Hybrid meetings policy adopted
5) Appendix
1) Seniors shuttle service to Cortez planned
Rico Trustees approved an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Montezuma County for twice-monthly seniors shuttle service to Cortez for medical appointments and grocery shopping at its May 17, 2023 monthly meeting. Cost of shuttle service listed in the IGA to be paid by Town of Rico to Montezuma County listed in the agreement is $500 per month.
The Montezuma Board of County Commissioners considered the proposal a week later at its May 23, 2023 meeting, and instructed the county transit manager to provide details of the estimated expenses and revenues the County would incur to provide the monthly monthly service.
"They instructed Jennifer (Morris, Transit Manager) to provide a cost breakdown to make sure they are billing the Town of Rico enough," replied Rico Town Manager Chauncey McCarthy to a May 24, 2023 Ore Cart inquiry. "My understanding is that Jennifer will work on that cost breakdown and provide it to the Board of County Commissioners at their June 5 or 6 meeting. The impression she gave me was that the rate will not go up and if signed at the meeting on June 5/6 we will move forward from there. If the rate goes up our board will have to reconsider at the June meeting."
Proposed shuttle dates are the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Passenger pick-up and drop-off times depend on whether passengers requests include medical appointments, grocery shopping or a combination.
Grocery Shopping & Medical Appointments
.9:00 AM Rico Hall Town pick-up
10:00 AM Walmart drop-off
11:40 AM Walmart pick-up
11:45 AM City Market drop-off
12:50 PM City Market pick-up
12:55 PM SW Health drop-off
- depart Southwest Health when all riders have completed their appointments
Grocery Shopping-only
- if no passengers have medical appointments
.9:00 AM Rico Hall Town pick-up
10:00 AM Walmart drop-off
12:00 PM Walmart pick-up
12:05 PM City Market drop-off
.2:05 PM City Market pick-up
.3:05 PM Rico Hall Town drop-off
Medical appointments-only
12:00 PM Rico Hall Town passenger pick-up
- depart Southwest Health when all riders have completed their appointments
If a shuttle has been scheduled and a senior citizen who had not scheduled a ride is in need of a trip to the Southwest Health System Urgent Care (non-emergency) clinic, and if a seat is available on the shuttle, they will be allowed to ride.
The IGA describes the new shuttle service as a "pilot program" for 2023, and may be revised for 2024. "Lessons learned will be incorporated into an updated IGA with the opportunity for an automatic renewal clause," states the Agreement.
2) Subdivisions & PUDs temporary moratorium extension first reading approved
Ordinance No. 2023-03 will extend an existing temporary moratorium on the acceptance of new land use applications for major or minor subdivisions, and residential or commercial planned unit developments.
Trustees first adopted a temporary moratorium, Ordinance 2022-13, at its December 21, 2022 monthly meeting. This ordinance is effective through June 30, 2023. It's purpose was to review "alternatives for water system improvements to increase water availability as well as options for funding said improvements." The improvements may include re-activation of the Silver Creek water supply.
The moratorium extension is through December 30, 2023 unless terminated earlier by the Board of Trustees or extended by enactment of another Ordinance.
more info:
Ore Cart January 16, 2023
5) Subdivision and PUD new applications temporary moratorium approved
3) Lease and lease-back of proposed new shop to finance construction approved
After the proposed Town new shop is completed, Town of Rico will lease it to Vectra Bank, and lease it back. This arrangement is called Certificate of Participation, a funding mechanism which allows Colorado municipalities to expense lease payments, explained Town Manager Chauncey McCarthy during a follow-up discussion with Ore Cart. This avoids long-term financing, which requires voters to approve a "bond issue" mill levy increase to generate revenues.
New Town shop cost estimate is $1.7 - $1.9 million. State of Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA Grant) will pay for half this cost. Town will contribute proceeds from recent sale of the bike shop building. Other cash reserves are available if needed, according to Town Manager McCarthy. Amount of lease payment will determined after Town shop construction cost is known.
Town revenues are to increasing, he added. Bedrock Subdivision and other modular home construction will generate sales taxes. Property taxes revenues will climb due to rising valuations. These revenues are expected to allow Town to pre-pay the 20-year lease, with no pre-payment penalty.
The shop will be a “Public Works Facility” for use by Roads, Water, Parks-Open
Space-Trails (POST), and future Sewer departments. Each department will contribute funds to the lease payments. Board of Trustees will allocate funds for the lease payments from each department's annual budget.
more info:
Ore Cart January 16, 2023
2) Town Shop grant application window opens March 1
Ore Cart January 16, 2023
3) Town Shop soils remediation
4) Hybrid meeting policy adopted
Trustees discussed pros and cons of public participation in Town meetings via video-conference. Arguments for and against:
- in-person attendance promotes public participation.
- virtual (remote video-conference) attendance promotes public participation.
Trustees' vote to approve the proposed hybrid meeting policy was split: 5 in favor, 2 opposed.
The Hybrid Meetings Policy applies to Board of Trustees and Planning Commission meetings. Purpose of the policy and remote participation procedures are described in the Policy - reprinted in the Appendix.
Remote attendance procedures
- Remote attendees' microphones will be muted at start of meeting.
- Opportunities for remote attendees to speak will be provided by the meeting moderator.
- When speaking, remote attendees must have their video on, state their name and address for the record, and reduce background noise.
5) Appendix
Exhibit A
Hybrid Public Meeting Policy
1. Purpose
The Town Board of Trustees is establishing this policy for the purpose of providing remote meeting access for those individuals wishing to attend public meetings but unable to attend in person. This policy authorizes and provides a mechanism for remote meeting participation by Town Board of Trustees, Planning Commission members, Town staff, and the public. The Town will utilize a web-based meeting or conferencing service that provides video and audio connection for all users, with some limitations based on which service is utilized. The Hybrid Public Meeting Policy (HPM) will function in accordance with all usual meeting requirements, protocols, and decorum consistent with Town policies and procedures, and charter requirements.
2. Hybrid Public Meeting Policy Procedures
All public meetings of the Town Board of Trustees and Planning Commission may be available via remote access along with being held in person. For all Public Meetings of the Town Board of Trustees and Planning Commission, the following provisions shall apply:
A. Hybrid Public Meeting information, including a meeting agenda with meeting login or call-in information, will be posted in accordance with Town policies and procedures. The agenda will state: “The Town of Rico is not responsible for audio, video, or connectivity issues. In person attendance is recommended.”
B. Trustees and Planning Commission members must keep their video on during the entire meeting. If a Trustees or Commission Member cannot hear the audio or they have technical issues they must abstain from voting.
C. The moderator must attend in person and will conduct the meeting in accordance with the meeting agenda using typical meeting protocols and decorum.
D. The public meeting attendees will also be able to remotely connect to the meeting using a personal device. Once attendees have logged in and the meeting has begun, they will be able to see and/or hear the feed from those attending in person. All Attendees will be muted and unable to be heard by those attending in person. There will be opportunity for Attendees to speak, and the moderator will provide instructions on how and when Attendees will be able to speak. Attendees, when speaking, must have their video on and state their name and address for the record. It is incumbent on the Attendee that their device has audio and/or video capabilities, and that all background noise be minimized when they are speaking. If an attendee interrupts during the meeting they will be removed without warning.
E. If the web-based meeting or internet service has technical difficulties during the meeting, one (1) reconnection will be attempted by the Town, if successful, the meeting will resume from where the meeting left off relative to the meeting agenda. If other technical difficulties are experienced, town staff may end the hybrid portion of the meeting.
F. The hybrid public meeting will be recorded, and minutes will be created in accordance with Town policies and procedures. Minutes will reflect what members of the Board of Trustees and Planning Commission attended remotely.
3. Hybrid Meeting Quasi-Judicial Hearing Procedures
During a public hearing the applicant must attend in person or assign a representative to attend the meeting in person. If the applicant is unable to attend the hearing may be continued.