Preview: Rico Board of Trustees meeting - Wednesday, July 17

Land Use & Tiny Homes Codes, Appointees, November Ballot Proposals, & more . . .

Town of Rico Board of Trustees meets Wednesday this week at Town Hall.  A work session with the Planning Commission starts at 6:30 PM, followed by the Trustees meeting at 7:30 PM.

The following is an edited and condensed version of the Agenda explanatory notes included in the "July 2019 Trustees Packet" at

Joint session with Rico Planning Commission

Discuss permits and applications processes that are associated with development, and other zoning issues, with the Rico Planning Commission. Purpose: prepare draft revisions to the Rico Land Use Code.

Special event permit and liquor license for Rico Trails Alliance fundraiser

The Rico Trails Alliance is planning a fundraiser on August 17th. They are applying for a liquor license.  The application needs Board approval.

Appoint Land Use Code Enforcing Official

Ty Lapp is currently employed as Rico building inspector. Town administration proposes to expand his duties to include Land Use Code Enforcing Official, which requires appointment by Town Board of Trustees. Funds for the proposed new position expenses to be drawn from the Town law enforcement fund.

Utility franchise with SMPA

Second reading of an Ordinance granting an electric power utility franchise to San Miguel Power Association.  New franchise replaces similar agreement with San Miguel Power Association which expires this year. The franchise authorizes SMPA to own and operate electric powerlines, buried electrical cables, and related equipment in Rico.  It allows Town of Rico to continue charging a 2 percent franchise fee on SMPA electricity sales to Rico consumers.   The franchise defines  how Town and SMPA will coordinate construction projects.

Tiny homes ordinance

First reading of an Ordinance amending the 2011 Rico Land Use Code to include regulations regarding tiny homes.  Potential developers have submitted several proposals to construct tiny homes in the Town of Rico.  A definition of "tiny home" and minimum construction code standards are needed.  Tiny home ordinance will be added to Rico Land Use Code later.

Resolution accepting the 2018 financial audit

Needs to happen by July 31 to satisfy State of Colorado deadline, or request and extension. 

Planning Commission appointees

Appoint Jenn Fox as a regular member and Laura Pick as an alternate member to the Rico Planning Commission.  Planning Commission requests these appointments to fill a vacancy created by Mike Guskea's resignation.  Jenn is currently the alternate member.

November ballot initiatives

The Board of Trustees will decide which, if any, should be included on the November Ballot.  Ballot initiatives are now in draft form.  The official language and a resolution will be presented for approval at the August Trustees meeting in order to meet the September 6th deadline for inclusion on the November ballot.

The proposals are:
a) Increase Town of Rico property tax mill levy for (separate ballot items): (i) sewer/sanitation system for business core, (ii) Silver Creek Water supply reactivation.

b) Join the San Miguel Authority for Regional Transportation service area.

c) Opt-out of Colorado SB 152, to allow the Town of Rico to develop partnerships with broadband telecommunications providers.

Community Prospectus

A proposed publication intended for potential investors.  Rico is in a federally-designated Opportunity Zone.  Federal tax incentives are available for investments in low-income urban and rural communities through the favorable treatment of reinvested capital gains and forgiveness of tax on new capital gains.  A draft Prospectus will be presented to Trustees for a decision of whether to publish the Prospectus.

Speed bumps

Town Hall has received complaints about dust caused by speeding.  Movable speed bumps may be a solution. Cost is about $150 each.

Sewer/sanitation system economic analysis

Opinion survey of Rico businesses is complete.   Consultant's analysis of potential positive impact of central sewer system on Rico 's "finance, business support, policy, markets, human capital, infrastructure and cultural factors that encourage a vibrant, sustainable community" is expected by end of July.